Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps, this is accomplished by banding together those who are now serving in the United States Marine Corps and those who have been honorably discharged from that service; voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines and Marine veterans and to their widows and orphans, and by perpetuating the history of the United States Maine Corps through fitting acts to observe the anniversaries of historical occasions of particular interest to Marines.
The Choctaw Detachment is one of ten detachments in the Department (state) of Louisiana. Our Detachment currently has over 100 members. Our members consist of Marines from WWII to the present and all times in between. Both peace time and combat Marines. FMF Corpsmen and FNF Chaplains can also be Regular members. We also have Associate members who are sometimes veterans of other branches of our armed service or civilians. In many cases they are related to Marines.
We hold monthly meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday at the Baton Rouge Police Department Training Academy 9000 Airline Hwy at 1800. At meetings we bring members up to date on upcoming activities , and health concerns of fellow members their families, hear and act on an proposals members, swear in new members, receive reports on our programs and anything else that needs to be discussed. The meetings normally last about one and half-hours.
We also have 2 informal social events associated with the day of the monthly meeting. In the morning, members meet at the State Police Cafeteria at 0800 for breakfast. Following the meeting members meet at Brewbachers, on Government St., at ~1930 for fellowship, food & beverages.
The week of the Marine Corps Birthday we have many events. We honor General Barrow at St. Francisville, we bring a cake cutting ceremony to fellow Marines at the War Veterans Home, we hold a birthday Ceremony at Port Hudson National Cemetery for our fallen comrades. In the afternoon we attend a birthday event hosted by Mockler Beverage Company at their distribution facility on Reiger Road. Some members also attend the Birthday Ball held by the local Marine Company. As Veterans Day is also that week we participate in a Veteran’s Mass. Some members also attend.
Funeral Honors – Working with the local Maine Company we provide a short “Honors” service at graveside for any deceased Marine in the area
Scholarships- Each year we recognize our best candidate with boteh a Certificate and a monetary award. ( that has been ~$500
Disaster Relief – We provide financial support for Marine Families hit by disasters.
Eagle Scouts – We recognize scouts who have achiever the rank of Eagle with a certificate and patch.
Silkies Hike/ Suicide Prevention – We sponsored and participated in the Baton Rouge Hike.
Toys For Tots – We assist the Reservists with rising money and collecting toys.
VA Clinic – We provide free coffee “and” to the Veterans at our local clinic evert Friday morning.
Young Marines – One of our members runs the Young Marines in Baton Rouge. And we also provide financial support.
Veterans Homes – We support the two Veterans Homes in our area. ( Jackson and the Magnolia Center ) both financially and with comradery.
St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter – Serving food in the dining room is one of our newest undertakings.
We are always looking for new ways to help our Marines and our Community and would like to hear your ideas.
The only required uniform is the MCL Cover, however, we encourage all our members to purchase whatever other uniforms parts they can afford. We wear Red Blazers at formal or solemn occasions (funerals). We also wear our short sleeve uniforms during the summer months. You are permitted to war your Marine Corps League ribbons or your DoD ribbons and devices when you are not wearing the Blazer. Miniature medals can be worn on the Red Blazer in Formal (Black Tie) events.

We try to get involved as much as possible in helping others, especially all Marine veterans, and kids. It makes you feel great to be able to help others. It sounds like would put in a lot of time, but members only attend the functions they can and help where they can. We have a great organization, but we feel we can get even better with input form new members. Therefore, we would like for you to consider joining us a member of our Detachment and help shape our future.